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As a parent, we often focus on teaching and guiding our children, but it’s equally important for them to know and understand us as individuals. Sharing aspects of our lives with our kids helps build a deeper connection and fosters mutual respect. In this blog post, I’ll reveal ten things I want my kids to know about me – the person behind the parent. These insights will not only help them understand me better but also create a stronger bond between us.


  1. My Childhood Dreams and Aspirations: I want my kids to know that just like them, I once had dreams and aspirations too. Sharing my childhood ambitions and the journey that led me to where I am today will show them that life is a continuous process of growth and discovery.
  1. My Hobbies and Passions: I want my children to know about the hobbies and passions that bring joy to my life. Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, or gardening, these are parts of me that contribute to my happiness and well-being.
  1. Life Lessons I’ve Learned: I wish to share the valuable life lessons I’ve learned from my experiences – both successes and failures. My children can benefit from these lessons and perhaps find guidance in their own journey.
  1. My Fears and Insecurities: It’s important for my kids to know that I, too, have fears and insecurities. Being vulnerable with them will help create an atmosphere of openness and understanding, where they feel comfortable sharing their own fears and seeking support.
  1. How I Met Their Dad: I’d love to share the story of how I met their dad, as it’s a significant part of our family’s history. It will show them the importance of love, commitment, and building strong relationships.
  1. The Mistakes I’ve Made: I want my kids to know that I’m not perfect and have made mistakes along the way. Being open about my shortcomings will encourage them to embrace their own imperfections and learn from their missteps.
  1. My Dreams and Goals: I’d like to share my current dreams and goals with my children, illustrating that personal growth is a lifelong journey. By sharing my aspirations, I hope to inspire them to pursue their own dreams fearlessly.
  1. My Cultural and Family Heritage: My cultural and family heritage is an essential part of who I am. I want my kids to understand their roots, traditions, and values that have been passed down through generations.
  1. The Challenges I’ve Overcome: Sharing the challenges I’ve faced and the ways I’ve overcome them will instill in my kids the belief that resilience and determination can help them overcome any obstacles they encounter in life.
  2. How Much I Love Them: Above all, I want my children to know just how much I love them. My love is unconditional, and I will always be there to support and cherish them, no matter what.

Opening up and sharing personal aspects of my life with my kids is an essential step in strengthening our bond and fostering mutual respect and understanding. By revealing my dreams, challenges, passions, and experiences, I hope to inspire them, encourage open communication, and create a loving and nurturing environment where they feel comfortable sharing their own thoughts and feelings. Ultimately, I want my children to know that I am not just their parent, but also a person with a unique story, and I cherish the opportunity to share that story with them.