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Alright ladies, I get it. Trust me when I say that I’ve been there. No shame in admitting that you need a little help when it comes to getting your life organized.

If you need a little guidance on getting your life organized, well you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to be sharing 3 super easy hacks that can make such a big difference especially when it comes to having limited time to get things done at home. If I can do it, you definitely can. Let’s get right into it.


1. Don’t Procrastinate – Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. I was the queen of procrastination. I kid you not. Everything from work life to home life. If I wasn’t excited about something, I would procrastinate until the last minute that it’s due but that wasn’t because I was being lazy, it was merely because I would make a choice to do something else instead of what needed to be done. This went on for years until I realized that the longer you wait to do something, the more difficult and stressful it will be to get it done. Getting things done as soon as you can will not only be less stressful but will lift the anxiety off of you from having to do it later.

Check out LifeHack’s How to Stop Procrastinating:11 Practical Ways for Procrastinators

2. Give Everything a Home – The way I look at this is that it’s so easy to get lost if you don’t have a HOME. Isn’t it? Keeping your life and home organized means everything should have a place. Have a dedicated space for storing things properly and by labeling storage spaces. Never let that space be cluttered. I would advice you never to have a storage area for miscellaneous because before you know it, that will become a junk area.

Start with one room that you can re-organize at a time. Group your things together and make a “home”. Of course you will have to similar items so make sure you label and put them in their proper places. Things that you don’t use often, put them out of sight. No need to clutter your room up with things that you use once a year or so. Every day items should be easily accessible or else you will fail because it will become a chore when you need to find an item and we don’t want that.

3. Focus on ONE Doable Task at a Time – Focusing on one thing at a time means you’ll get more done. That is Productivity, in its most basic sense, which basically means getting the most out of your time. That is what we all want isn’t it? It is so tempting for us to multi-task but you have to remind yourself that you are capable of one task at a time. The goal is to get one thing done and done the right way. Not half done. Clearly, your current state of trying to juggle everything at the same time just isn’t working. You will only stress yourself out and will not have a productive day as you originally set out to have. Things will not be completed and you will start the next day with the same cycle. It is simply a recipe for failure no matter how experience you might be at that task.

I would suggest start by keeping a weekly calendar with one new “to do” per week and as the weeks goes by, you can start adding smaller tasks to that schedule. The idea is to get yourself motivated and focused then you can move on to tackle the bigger things in your life.

We are all guilty of wanting things to get done right away because our daily lives are so chaotic and can be overwhelming trying to manage our work and home life. Just remember to start slow and build from there. It won’t happen overnight but you will see the change happening before your eyes and before you know it, you will be so much more in control of your life. 

If you can take anything at all from this post, take the tips I’ve listed above. You will get there and live the life you’ve imagined for yourself.