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The new year is upon us and I don’t know about you but this is something that I’ve been working on with my kiddos.Teaching our kids how to be thankful is something that we shouldn’t focus on only around Thanksgiving, we need to reinforce it all year long. I truly believe that our children needs the proper guidance and honestly folks, it starts with us and the values we instill in them at home.

No one said that raising grateful children is a walk in the park, but as parents/guardians, it is so important that they understand the blessings around them and learn to appreciate the little things.It is a proven fact that practicing gratitude increase our happiness and will help our children take on life with a more positive attitude whether that is at school or home.

I don’t want to overwhelm you with 100 activities so let’s take baby steps. Practice these 6 activities with your little ones and then grow from there. These are the basics that will help your children be thankful and not complain about life when things don’t go their way.

Here are 6 activities that will teach your children to appreciate both big and small moments, turn their mistakes into learning lessons, and be thankful for their families and friends.

Gratitude Mason Jar

This is one of the easiest DIY you can do and you only need a few supplies. Here is what you need to make your very own gratitude jar.

  1. Mason Jar (I use a recycle spaghetti sauce jar)
  2. Label or card stock
  3. Printer to print your label or you can even handwrite and tape it to the jar.

This is super easy and there isn’t a right or wrong. You make it however you want because it is for you and your family.

Now, if you prefer to buy a gratitude jar, check out the ones I found below. (Click on the image)


Now that you’ve made or bought your jar, each day simply have the kids write down three things that they’re thankful for.It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be anything from them being grateful they have a favorite toy to them being grateful that they enjoyed a meal with their sibling.It can be anything! Remember, you want to encourage and make it fun so that they will continue doing this every day. Once they’ve written their blessings for the day, fold it up and place it in the jar. You will be surprise to see how fast the jar is filling up over the weeks and months to come.Whenever someone is feeling a bit down, just remember that that they have a jar filled with reasons as to why they need to turn that frown into a smile and that things have a way of working out with a positive attitude.

Gratitude Tree

If your littles are visual creators, then this is perfect for them. Although many practice this specific for Thanksgiving, you can make this tree anytime. It’s really simple and the kids will have a blast using their coloring, cutting and gluing skills.

All you need are some

  1. Construction paper
  2. Paper to draw the leaves or a printer to print my free leaf printable
  3. Sissors
  4. Glue
  5. Markers
  6. Clear tape

And there you have it, You’ve made a Gratitude tree and your children will contribute and watch it grow by adding their blessings to it.

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Game

Who doesn’t love a good Scavenger hunt game around the house? Our family sure do. This is sure to keep them moving and busy for a while.

The way this works is that you can simply print out our free Gratitude Scavenger Hunt game printable for each child by clicking on the image below. All they have to do is grab your printable, a pen/pencil and a camera and let’s go on an adventure.



The kids would go around the house and try to find as much as they can and the first one to finish would normally get a treat. Give it a try in your home and I promise the kids will truly enjoy spending time together.

Thank You Notes

It doesn’t need to be complicated friends. Just simple Thank you notes to those that made your littles feel special. My son loves writing thank you notes especially to me and it melts my heart every single time.

Gratitude Journal

I bought Nate a gratitude journal and it was so simple to use. He used it over the summer months and it has made such a difference in his life. He would write down the blessings of his days each night before bed. He looks forward to doing this every day. We’ve since gone through 3 journals so far and I will keep getting them for him as long as he’s interested.

Gratitude Game

There are so many games that you can choose to incorporate but this particular one is very simple and the kids will have no problem understanding what is required. Click the image below to download your free copy.


We play drawsticks (pickup sticks or whatever you might call it) with this particular game. It is so simple. I went to the dollar store and picked up some color straws. With the printable above, i used the same colors to keep it simple.

Each child closes their eyes and pulls a straw. Whichever color they have, they will then correspond the color on the printable. For example, if they pull a “blue” straw, then they would have to name a place they’re thankful for. Everyone takes turns and it’s a great way to get the littles talking and having fun at the same time. Not to mention, it is bonding time that you will cherish forever.

I hope you enjoy these recommendations and don’t forget to make it fun so that the children will not get bored and it will be something that they look forward in doing.

