10 Ingenious Tent Camping Hacks to Enhance Your Outdoor Experience

10 Ingenious Tent Camping Hacks to Enhance Your Outdoor Experience

Tent camping is a fantastic way to reconnect with nature, unplug from the digital world, and create unforgettable memories with family and friends. However, spending time in the great outdoors can also come with its fair share of challenges. To help you make the most of your camping adventure, we’ve compiled a list of 10 ingenious tent camping hacks that will elevate your experience and make your trip more enjoyable and stress-free.

  1. Keep Your Tent Cool with Reflective Blankets

Camping during hot summer months can quickly turn your tent into a sauna. To beat the heat, attach reflective emergency blankets to the exterior of your tent using clips or clothespins. The reflective surface will help bounce off the sun’s rays, keeping the interior cooler during the day. For additional relief, set up your tent in a shaded area if possible.

  1. Illuminate Your Tent with a Headlamp and Water Jug

Instead of fumbling around in the dark for your flashlight or headlamp, create an ambient and diffused light source by strapping your headlamp to a clear water jug. The water inside will disperse the light, providing a softer glow throughout the tent. This setup is perfect for reading, playing games, or simply relaxing after the sun goes down.

  1. Create DIY Campfire Starters

Starting a campfire can be a challenging task, especially in damp conditions. To simplify the process, make your own DIY campfire starters. Fill an empty egg carton with dryer lint or cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly. Once it solidifies, cut each compartment and pack them in a resealable plastic bag. These compact and lightweight fire starters are perfect for igniting your campfire effortlessly.

  1. Keep Bugs Away with Sage or Citronella

Pesky bugs can quickly dampen your camping experience. Instead of relying solely on insect repellent, try burning sage bundles or citronella candles around your campsite. These natural remedies have insect-repelling properties and will help keep bugs at bay, allowing you to enjoy the great outdoors without constant swatting and itching.

  1. Stay Organized with Hanging Shoe Organizers

Maximize your tent’s interior space by using a hanging shoe organizer. Hang it from the tent’s ceiling or a nearby tree to store essential items like flashlights, snacks, maps, sunscreen, and toiletries. This clever hack keeps your belongings off the floor, making them easily accessible and preventing clutter.

  1. DIY Lantern with a Headlamp and Gallon Jug

Create a makeshift lantern by strapping your headlamp to a clear gallon water jug with the light facing inward. The water jug will diffuse the light, providing a soft and even glow that illuminates your campsite without blinding you. This budget-friendly hack is a great alternative to expensive camping lanterns.

  1. Pack a Foam Floor Puzzle Mat

Sleeping on the hard ground can be uncomfortable, even with a sleeping pad or air mattress. Add an extra layer of cushioning and insulation by bringing along a foam floor puzzle mat. These lightweight and portable mats are easy to assemble and disassemble, providing a cozy and comfortable surface for sleeping and relaxing.

  1. Store Seasonings in Tic Tac Containers

Save space and weight in your camping kitchen by repurposing empty Tic Tac containers to store small amounts of spices and seasonings. Label each container with the spice name to keep your kitchen organized. These compact containers are perfect for camping and prevent your seasoning packets from getting crushed or lost in your backpack.

  1. Create an Instant Lantern with a Headlamp and Water Jug

When the sun sets, you don’t need to invest in an expensive lantern. Turn your headlamp into an instant lantern by strapping it to a clear water jug with the light facing inward. The water jug will diffuse the light, providing a soft and even glow that illuminates your campsite without blinding you.

  1. Use a Pool Noodle for Tent Guyline Safety

Tripping over tent guy lines in the dark can be hazardous. Prevent accidents by cutting a pool noodle into small sections and slipping them over the guy lines. The bright color of the pool noodle also makes them easier to spot during the day.

Camping is all about embracing the simple pleasures of nature, and these tent camping hacks are designed to enhance your outdoor experience. From staying cool during hot summer nights to creating DIY campfire starters, these ingenious tips will make your camping trip more enjoyable and stress-free. So, the next time you venture into the wilderness, remember to incorporate these hacks into your camping routine and make your adventure even more memorable and rewarding. Happy camping!


10 Ingenious Tent Camping Hacks to Enhance Your Outdoor Experience



Over the past year we can all agree that there has been very little to celebrate as the world was thrown into a tail spin with the current pandemic. As we look back, for many people, things were already tough or sometimes we complain that it is. Our current situations, whatever they were was compounded with a pandemic that saw failure of businesses that contributed to thousands of job losses, people getting sick , strain on economies and health care systems, and then when we thought that things couldn’t get worse, boom, a second wave of a deadly virus and a new variant. Thankfully at the same time there is the announcement of a vaccine.

In a time like this I would like to recommend that we explore the work of five writers that can and will transform our thought processes during a time that can be construed as if we are in second place in our lives.

Here are five powerful books that I recommend that you make a permanent fixture in your library:


Never Split the Difference

By Chris Voss

The Plot: Here is a decorated FBI hostage negotiator with more than 150 international negotiations, some of which made headlines. In this book Chris Voss subtly implore on the readers to call on their knowledge and experiences using his art and strategy of negotiation for success. The premise is that everyday lives, boardrooms and what we see as complex business transaction has more in common with international hostage negotiations than what we thought.

His art of negotiation got top brass recognition, whereby he ended up with many teaching roles including Harvard Law, The FBI and Scotland Yard to name a few. The mention of is successes in the book is to not gloat but to impose on readers the importance of speaking when you should and saying the correct phrases and how “NO” in not the end of the conversation but the beginning.

 Why Read this book: For starter if your are a business person or aspiring to be a business leader, chances are that your current and future competition has already chewed up this book. Negotiation calls for finesse and correctness that is made better by preparedness, the author emphasize that successful negotiation is when you give the other party an illusion of you doing something to benefit them. Don’t miss out on a fantastic book by a decorated former FBI Agent.

Lincoln The Unknown

By Dale Carnegie 

The Plot: This book is a vivid account of the life and time of one the greatest American president, number 16 Abraham Lincoln. This  book is relevant because many think about Lincoln only as the president that abolish slavery and the president that was assassinated. What is unknown is the journey in becoming the 16th president. The scenery of his journey was not as glamourous, whiles being the president is envied by many, beyond any doubt his humble upbringing and struggles aren’t.

Why Read this book: Reading the details of the death of his mom at a young age, him walking miles to school in clothes that hardly fits and living in a three sided cabin with no beds then later failed at running a business but still manage somehow to become a lawyer and then president. This is why you should own this book. It will remind readers how much we can accomplish once we stay focus regardless what is happening around us. Carnegie style of researching and writing makes you feel so close to action you will thoroughly enjoy this book.

How To Think Like A Roman Emperor

By Donald Robertson

The Plot: Hearing about Roman Emperors like Marcus Aurelius in stories in one thing, however, reading how he approached life and running an empire made him more real. This Emperor was stoic philosopher that was adopted by his emperor uncle at an early age to be his successor. With long periods of learning how governments work and holding public roles he finally  transitioned to becoming emperor of Rome which was the catalyst to greatness.

Why Read this book:  According to many historian, after the reign of Marcus Aurelius the empire descended into civil war. Donald Robertson had to have invested heavily in researching to come up with this masterpiece. This is Robertson allowing us access to the emperor’s playbook so that we can apply the principles to our thought processes. it is like indirectly connecting with the emperor through his stoics and meditation. Have a read and i promise you life will change for the better.

UnFu*k Yourself

By Gary John Bishop

The Plot: This is great book that will aide you in the journey of  crossing over as the author said , from your head into your life. The basic premise of this masterpiece is stop making imaginary barriers, pay less attention to what’s happening and more so, take action now, because the world is not going to wait on any of us, regardless of how airtight our excuses are.

Why Read this book: Gary Bishop is a great writer and had been an inspiration to many, his writing is blunt as you can see from the title of this and other books that he has written. He comes without any sugar coat, this book and his teaching is centrally focus on you, his student connecting with your real self to live your best life.

The Art of War

By Sun Tzu

The Plot: This one of the oldest strategy books , written by a Chinese military strategist, the intention was to cover all aspect of warfare, basically every minute detail. One of the teaching is to ” never underestimate the courage of desperation” .

Why Read this book: What was written as Chinese warfare strategy book  is relevant in every aspect of life, Lawyers and businesses uses it’s principles in arguments and negotiations, coaches uses the strategy to compete and chances are, the people you are competing with for that job, promotion or business is already being schooled by Sun Tzu by reading this book, so have a read and get that competitive advantage.

Happy Reading!