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Welcome to the topic “6 Strength-Training Exercises For Kids”

Strength training is one of the most important forms of exercise for kids. It can help your child increase their endurance, make them less prone to injuries and help them maintain a healthy weight. Whether your children want to boost their performance in sports or become stronger and more confident, I’m sharing the simplest and most effective strength-training exercises that they need to start doing today. Here are 6 strength-training exercises for kids.

  1. Planks

This is a great exercise that actively engages your core and spine, improving posture and overall balance.


  • Start in a push-up position with your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart, directly underneath your shoulders.
  • Ground your toes against the floor and lift your hips.
  • Your spine should be straight, with your head aligning perfectly.
  • Hold for about 20 seconds. Remember to keep breathing!
  • Try extending the time by a few more seconds as this move becomes more manageable.


  1. Side planks

This plank variation is an excellent drill for runners as it improves both their strength and balance.


  • Start on your side with one leg on top of the other.
  • Keep your legs stacked and lift with either your hand or your forearm.
  • Maintain this pose for about 20 seconds before switching sides and repeating the above steps.
  1. Burpees

This is a full-body exercise designed to elevate your child’s heart rate and build strength in the upper and lower bodies. If your kids find this a tad too challenging, they can skip the push-up and jump part.


  • Start by squatting with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend down and touch the ground with your hands.
  • Putting your weight on your hands, kick your feet back so that you’re in a push-up position.
  • Do a push-up and then jump back into your starting position.
  • Reach your arms overhead and jump up so that you’re back to Step 1. Repeat.
  1. Inchworms

This workout increases flexibility alongside building your child’s arm strength.


  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Reach your hands towards the floor and start walking your hands forward till you’re in a plank position.
  • Keep your legs as straight as you can and walk your hands back to your starting position.
  • Stand back up and repeat the exercise.
  1. Squat jumps

Jump squats are a simple yet effective way to work your thighs, hips, and hamstrings.


  • Stand tall with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Squat down until your thighs are a bit higher than your knees.
  • Jump upwards and land on your feet with your knees bent.
  • Return to your starting position and repeat.
  1. Hip lifts

Another exercise that targets your glutes, hip lifts are responsible for increasing your muscle strength and endurance for the lower half of your body.


  • Lay down on the ground with your head and back, touching your mat and your arms by your sides.
  • Lift your legs so that they point towards the ceiling. You can choose to bend or straighten out your knees.
  • Pull your navel inwards and lift your hips a few inches upwards. Make sure your head remains in contact with the ground.
  • Lower your hips back down and repeat.


Nate, my eight year old son has really taken an interest in strength training and enjoys it. I see the difference in his day when he does or doesn’t exercise. Not to mention, they sleep so well throughout the night. I hope these exercises helps in your household and be sure to let me know what your favorites are.


